warm muted colors in a swirl with words perfection not required

Let's be real for a sec...building an online business is hard.

Not like, physical labor hard - more like mental gymnastics on a tight-rope hard.

I thought it was just me, but it turns out that after interviewing dozens of women killing it in their business that there's a distinct connection between inner healing and business growth.

This podcast is dedicated to exploring those connections and sharing the strategies, stories and resources to grow your business - Perfection Not Required.

How to Use Your Feelings as a Guide for Your Business
Jamie Riene Jamie Riene

How to Use Your Feelings as a Guide for Your Business

Starting a new business comes with a lot of uncertainty. One minute you're totally sure of your choices and the next minute leaves you questioning what you're doing, how you're doing it and if you're even good enough to be doing it. Needless to say, there's a lot of drama. One strategy to move through this drama quickly is to check in with your feelings to see where they're guiding you.

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Rewriting Your Legacy
Jamie Riene Jamie Riene

Rewriting Your Legacy

After recognizing how her own familial traumas were impacting her every day life, Kathleen made it her mission to empower women to and break the generational & societal curses and rewrite their legacy.

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Meant for More
Jamie Riene Jamie Riene

Meant for More

There’s more to life than your job. It’s something people say, but don’t really internalize until tragedy or crisis strikes. What if we could reach that realization, sans crisis? Jen’s on a mission to get women off the hamster wheel and into a life that lights their soul.

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Navigating the Messy Middle
Jamie Riene Jamie Riene

Navigating the Messy Middle

After 17 years in corporate, Laura Russell had seen and felt her fair share of layoffs. So when her calendar invite came she decided to walk away with a severance and a passion for coaching. Listen in on this conversation as Laura and I chat about what this first full year of business has looked like and the hard lessons learned.

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Pivot Into Your Purpose
Jamie Riene Jamie Riene

Pivot Into Your Purpose

Are you letting other people's opinions, fears and projections keep you in a job you hate because it's "safe"? What happens when you make that leap because you KNOW you're made for more? How do you know when it's time to pivot? Listen in on this conversation with Life & Clarity Coach, Melissa Hoffmann as we discuss all this and much more on this week's episode of Breaking Up with Corporate!

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Becoming the Fairy Godmother of Coaching
Jamie Riene Jamie Riene

Becoming the Fairy Godmother of Coaching

You are highly compensated enough and we are not willing to pay you any more money.

That's what my guest, Gail Keyes Allen was told by her boss after dedicating 16 years to her employer's success. She's less than a year into her coaching business and brought in $50K in January alone.

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